Jason Yarbrough, CMT, ANMT
Certified Massage Therapist and Advanced Neuromuscular Massage Therapist

Potentially Useful Miscellaneous Info

Aug 15th, 2024

After two years of dealing with a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia and spending over $400,000 out of pocket in diagnostics and treatment at multiple medical facilities, a family and boy's nightmare finally resolves as the boy is cured for good.
Swamp Boy Medical Mystery
for additional references, web search: "schizophrenia cat scratch fever"

Aug 15th, 2024

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Tina Peers discuss it here.
"How to Solve Mast Cell Activation and Histamine Intolerance" - Dr. Maggie Yu
"The Surprising Causes of MCAS and Histamine Intolerance - Part 2" - Dr. Maggie Yu

June 1st, 2024

Pediatrician David Carr and others nearly die from vitamin B12 deficiency (a surprisingly common and under diagnosed condition) due to lack of testing and medical negligence.

Treating and Diagnosing Vitamin B12 Deficiency

October 28th, 2023

Light as Medicine (3.9 Million Views), by Roger Seheult, MD:

October 12th, 2018 (Edited 1/8/2019)

Superior Protein Source Found?

Ironman Triathlete physician saves preemie suffering from failure to thrive and intestinal shutdown using a vegan formulation of 8 essential amino acids known as Perfect Amino. It helps his patients who are triathlon competitors improve their times, too.
*I'm not compensated by anyone for sharing this or for any potential purchases of this product that may result from doing so.

JULY 18TH, 2018

Physician uses diet and supplements to bring her multiple sclerosis into full remission after seven years of all the latest and greatest medical interventions fail to halt disease progression. Over 3 million views!
Minding your mitochondria | Dr. Terry Wahls

JULY 3RD, 2018

Mercury Poisoning- The Minamata Story
3mn (chilling.)


JULY 2ND, 2018

Wow, my first blog! Or is it Blog?

In any event, here's a touching video I'd like to share about Spirit the leopard:
