Massage therapy has helped my clients find relief or resolution from the following conditions:
work stress, life stress, headaches, sciatica, low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, pins and needles (neuralgia), numbness and tingling (paresthesia), insomnia, migraines, chronic pain, upper back pain, chronic muscle tension, arm pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck stiffness, general muscle hypertonicity, and more.
Here are some additional benefits massage therapy can offer:
1. Improved Stress Response
Some days, stress can make nearly everything feel grating. In addition, prolonged stress can lower energy levels and productivity. Receiving high quality massage therapy not only feels great, it can also be a very effective tool for decreasing stress, increasing energy levels, and restoring a sense of general calmness and well being. When the body feels good, we feel good.
2. Reduced Risk of Injury, and Improved Exercise Recovery
There is a common African proverb: "The wind does not break a tree that bends".
This saying also applies to the human body in a biomechanical sense. When soft tissue becomes rigid, it is more prone to injury. Massaging hypertonic (tense, rigid) muscles helps restore pliability to the muscles and fascia, reducing risk of strains and other injuries. Most seasoned and competitive athletes know this and thus receive massage regularly, but the same principle applies to everyone even if we do not exercise.
3. Reducing or Eliminating Pain
Structural, postural, and muscular (myofascial) imbalances throughout the body can often be a source of discomfort and in some instances, even intense chronic pain. But the good news is that in many instances, a skilled massage therapist can help correct these imbalances, with VAST improvements often experienced in as little as one session. I've had results like this with my clients numerous times over the years, however most people will require multiple appointments in order to restore optimal function. The issues likely took a lot longer than an hour or two to accumulate, after all, so they will also take some time to correct.
Lastly, did I mention my massages also feel great? I invite you to schedule an appointment and experience the health benefits for yourself.
Call my office line at (949) 510-6839 to schedule your appointment.